In this article, we’ll cover useful Spanish vocabulary for physical exams and diagnostic tests, along with practical phrases for healthcare providers.
1. Basic Physical Exam Vocabulary
Let’s begin with some foundational terms that are common in physical exams.
- Examen físico – Physical exam
- Signos vitales – Vital signs
- Presión arterial – Blood pressure
- Frecuencia cardíaca – Heart rate
- Temperatura corporal – Body temperature
- Peso – Weight
- Estatura – Height
- Reflejos – Reflexes
- Pulso – Pulse
- Respiración – Breathing
2. Diagnostic Equipment Vocabulary
Knowing the terms for equipment used during exams helps patients understand the tools involved and feel more at ease.
- Estetoscopio – Stethoscope
- Esfigmomanómetro – Blood pressure cuff
- Termómetro – Thermometer
- Báscula – Scale
- Oxímetro – Pulse oximeter
- Linterna – Penlight
- Espéculo – Speculum
- Martillo de reflejos – Reflex hammer
- Otoscopio – Otoscope (for ear exams)
- Electrocardiógrafo – Electrocardiograph (for ECG)
3. Physical Exam Components in Spanish
Below are terms that cover the specific parts of a physical exam, which can assist in explaining the process step-by-step.
- Examen de los ojos – Eye exam
- Examen de los oídos – Ear exam
- Examen de la garganta – Throat exam
- Examen de los pulmones – Lung exam
- Examen del abdomen – Abdominal exam
- Examen neurológico – Neurological exam
- Examen dermatológico – Skin exam
- Prueba de equilibrio – Balance test
- Prueba de fuerza muscular – Muscle strength test
- Prueba de reflejos – Reflex test
4. Common Diagnostic Tests Vocabulary
When discussing diagnostic tests, these terms are essential for explaining the purpose of each exam.
- Análisis de sangre – Blood test
- Radiografía – X-ray
- Resonancia magnética (RM) – MRI
- Tomografía computarizada (TC) – CT scan
- Ultrasonido – Ultrasound
- Electrocardiograma (ECG) – Electrocardiogram
- Biopsia – Biopsy
- Endoscopia – Endoscopy
- Mamografía – Mammogram
- Prueba de función pulmonar – Pulmonary function test
- Examen de orina – Urine test
5. Phrases for Conducting a Physical Exam
Using the right phrases during an exam can help patients feel more comfortable and informed.
- “Voy a tomar sus signos vitales.” – I’m going to take your vital signs.
- “Por favor, respire profundamente.” – Please take a deep breath.
- “Voy a medir su presión arterial.” – I’m going to measure your blood pressure.
- “¿Ha tenido fiebre o malestar reciente?” – Have you had a fever or any recent discomfort?
- “¿Puede seguir mi dedo con la vista?” – Can you follow my finger with your eyes?
- “Voy a revisar sus reflejos.” – I’m going to check your reflexes.
- “Por favor, abra la boca y diga ‘ah’.” – Please open your mouth and say “ah.”
- “Dígame si siente algún dolor.” – Tell me if you feel any pain.
6. Explaining Diagnostic Tests
When discussing diagnostic tests, clear and reassuring language helps patients understand the procedures.
- “Necesitamos hacer un análisis de sangre.” – We need to do a blood test.
- “La radiografía tomará solo unos minutos.” – The X-ray will only take a few minutes.
- “Vamos a hacer una tomografía computarizada para observar mejor.” – We’re going to do a CT scan for a closer look.
- “Este ultrasonido es indoloro.” – This ultrasound is painless.
- “La prueba de función pulmonar evaluará su capacidad de respiración.” – The pulmonary function test will evaluate your breathing capacity.
- “El electrocardiograma mostrará la actividad de su corazón.” – The electrocardiogram will show your heart activity.
7. Vocabulary for Exam Results and Follow-Up
Understanding how to discuss results and follow-up recommendations can enhance patient comprehension and compliance.
- Resultados – Results
- Normal – Normal
- Anormal – Abnormal
- Revisión – Check-up
- Tratamiento – Treatment
- Seguimiento – Follow-up
- Mejoría – Improvement
- Próxima cita – Next appointment
- Referir a un especialista – Refer to a specialist
8. Example Dialogues for Physical Exams and Diagnostics
Here are a few sample dialogues for physical exams and diagnostic conversations to help you practice or prepare for real-world scenarios:
Example 1: General Check-Up
- Doctor/a: “Voy a tomar su presión arterial y su pulso.”
- (I’m going to take your blood pressure and your pulse.)
- Paciente: “Está bien, doctor/a.”
- (Alright, doctor.)
- Doctor/a: “La presión está un poco alta. Vamos a realizar un análisis de sangre para verificar.”
- (The blood pressure is a bit high. We’re going to do a blood test to check.)
Example 2: Diagnostic Procedure Explanation
- Doctor/a: “Vamos a hacer una resonancia magnética para obtener imágenes detalladas.”
- (We’re going to do an MRI to get detailed images.)
- Paciente: “¿Es dolorosa la resonancia?”
- (Is the MRI painful?)
- Doctor/a: “No, es indolora, pero puede tomar entre 15 y 30 minutos.”
- (No, it’s painless, but it may take 15 to 30 minutes.)
Example 3: Explaining the Need for a Biopsy
- Doctor/a: “Hemos encontrado algo anormal en los resultados y necesitamos hacer una biopsia.”
- (We found something abnormal in the results, and we need to do a biopsy.)
- Paciente: “¿Es algo serio?”
- (Is it serious?)
- Doctor/a: “Todavía no lo sabemos; la biopsia nos dará más información.”
- (We don’t know yet; the biopsy will give us more information.)
9. Common Concerns and Reassurances
Healthcare providers often need to address patient concerns, especially when they’re nervous about diagnostic procedures. Here are some comforting phrases to reassure Spanish-speaking patients:
- “No se preocupe, este examen es de rutina.” – Don’t worry, this exam is routine.
- “Este procedimiento es seguro y no debe causar dolor.” – This procedure is safe and shouldn’t cause pain.
- “Le avisaré si va a sentir alguna molestia.” – I’ll let you know if you’ll feel any discomfort.
- “Haremos esto paso a paso.” – We’ll do this step-by-step.
- “Puede preguntar si tiene alguna duda.” – You can ask if you have any questions.
Mastering Spanish vocabulary for physical exams and diagnostic procedures can significantly enhance the level of care provided to Spanish-speaking patients. By effectively communicating each step of the examination or diagnostic process, healthcare professionals can reduce patient anxiety and build a strong foundation for trust.