Spanish Medical Vocabulary for Physical Exams: A Guide for Healthcare Professionals

During a physical exam, communication involves body parts, patient symptoms, and instructions for the patient. Below are key terms and phrases divided into practical categories that you can integrate into your interactions.

1. Body Parts (Partes del Cuerpo)

Being able to name body parts is essential when performing a physical examination. Here are some commonly referenced parts:

  • Head: Cabeza
  • Eyes: Ojos
  • Ears: Oídos
  • Mouth: Boca
  • Throat: Garganta
  • Chest: Pecho
  • Back: Espalda
  • Abdomen: Abdomen
  • Legs: Piernas
  • Feet: Pies
  • Arms: Brazos
  • Hands: Manos

2. Basic Commands (Órdenes Básicas)

To guide the patient during the examination, these common phrases will be helpful:

  • Please sit down: Por favor, siéntese.
  • Stand up: Póngase de pie.
  • Turn around: Gire.
  • Open your mouth: Abra la boca.
  • Breathe deeply: Respire profundamente.
  • Hold your breath: Contenga la respiración.
  • Relax your arm: Relaje su brazo.
  • Does it hurt here?: ¿Le duele aquí?

3. Questions to Assess Symptoms (Preguntas sobre Síntomas)

Understanding a patient’s symptoms helps guide the physical examination and diagnosis. Here are a few essential questions:

  • Do you have pain?: ¿Tiene dolor?
  • Where does it hurt?: ¿Dónde le duele?
  • How would you describe the pain?: ¿Cómo describiría el dolor?
  • Is it sharp or dull?: ¿Es un dolor agudo o sordo?
  • Does it hurt when you breathe?: ¿Le duele al respirar?
  • Do you feel dizzy?: ¿Siente mareo?
  • Do you have a headache?: ¿Tiene dolor de cabeza?

4. Common Medical Instructions (Instrucciones Médicas Comunes)

Once you’ve completed the initial physical examination, further instructions may be required:

  • You need to get blood tests: Necesita hacerse análisis de sangre.
  • We need to measure your blood pressure: Necesitamos medir su presión arterial.
  • We will listen to your heart and lungs: Vamos a escuchar su corazón y sus pulmones.
  • You need an X-ray: Necesita una radiografía.
  • Follow-up in two weeks: Regrese en dos semanas para seguimiento.

5. Vital Signs (Signos Vitales)

Vital signs are measured during any physical exam, and understanding these terms in Spanish ensures better communication:

  • Temperature: Temperatura
  • Blood Pressure: Presión arterial
  • Heart Rate: Frecuencia cardíaca
  • Respiration Rate: Frecuencia respiratoria
  • Oxygen levels: Niveles de oxígeno

6. Basic Phrases for Reassurance (Frases para Tranquilizar)

To create a sense of trust and ease anxiety, use these reassuring phrases:

  • Everything seems fine: Todo parece estar bien.
  • You are doing great: Lo está haciendo muy bien.
  • This won’t hurt: Esto no le va a doler.
  • Take your time: Tómese su tiempo.
  • We are almost done: Ya casi terminamos.

Practice Dialogues

Understanding vocabulary is one thing, but putting it into practice is crucial for success. Below is a sample dialogue between a healthcare provider and a Spanish-speaking patient during a physical exam:

Doctor: Hola, soy su doctor. Vamos a empezar con su examen físico. ¿Cómo se siente hoy?
(Hello, I’m your doctor. We’re going to start with your physical exam. How do you feel today?)

Patient: Me duele mucho el pecho.
(My chest hurts a lot.)

Doctor: ¿Dónde exactamente le duele? ¿En el lado izquierdo o derecho?
(Where exactly does it hurt? On the left or right side?)

Patient: Aquí, en el lado izquierdo.
(Here, on the left side.)

Doctor: Vamos a escuchar su corazón y pulmones. Respire profundamente y contenga la respiración.
(We’re going to listen to your heart and lungs. Take a deep breath and hold your breath.)

Patient: Está bien, doctor.
(Alright, doctor.)

Building Trust and Comfort with Patients

Incorporating Spanish medical vocabulary into physical exams is more than just knowing the words—it is about creating an environment of trust. Being able to speak a patient’s native language shows empathy and professionalism. This reduces stress, improves patient satisfaction, and leads to better overall outcomes.

Tools and Resources for Learning Spanish Medical Terms

There are several tools available to help healthcare professionals learn Spanish medical vocabulary. Some of the most popular include:

  • Medical Spanish Apps: Apps like Canopy Medical Spanish and Medical Spanish by Mavro Inc. offer vocabulary specific to healthcare professionals.
  • Online Courses: Websites like MedSpanish and SpanishDict offer structured courses for healthcare workers.
  • Flashcards: Consider creating flashcards for common vocabulary to help you memorize key phrases.


Understanding and using Spanish medical vocabulary during physical exams is essential for healthcare providers working with Spanish-speaking populations. It enhances communication, improves patient trust, and allows for more accurate diagnoses. By integrating the vocabulary and phrases outlined above, healthcare professionals can offer better care while building rapport with their patients.

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