How to Talk about Medications in Spanish

This guide offers essential phrases and tips for talking about medications in Spanish, making sure your patients are fully informed and can follow their prescriptions accurately.

Key Phrases for Talking About Medications in Spanish

Introducing Medications

  1. Voy a recetarle un medicamento. – I am going to prescribe you a medication.
  2. Este medicamento es para tratar su condición. – This medication is to treat your condition.
  3. Es importante que tome este medicamento según las indicaciones. – It is important that you take this medication as directed.
  4. Le voy a explicar cómo tomar el medicamento. – I am going to explain how to take the medication.

Explaining How to Take Medications

  1. Tome una tableta/cápsula por la mañana/noche. – Take one tablet/capsule in the morning/night.
  2. Debe tomar este medicamento con comida. – You should take this medication with food.
  3. No tome este medicamento con alcohol. – Do not take this medication with alcohol.
  4. Es importante que no se salte ninguna dosis. – It is important that you do not skip any doses.
  5. Este medicamento debe tomarse cada 8/12 horas. – This medication should be taken every 8/12 hours.

Discussing Dosage

  1. La dosis recomendada es de [número] miligramos. – The recommended dose is [number] milligrams.
  2. No debe exceder más de [número] dosis al día. – You should not exceed more than [number] doses per day.
  3. Si se olvida de una dosis, tómela tan pronto como lo recuerde, pero no duplique la dosis. – If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember, but do not double the dose.
  4. Si toma demasiado de este medicamento, busque atención médica de inmediato. – If you take too much of this medication, seek medical attention immediately.

Explaining the Purpose of the Medication

  1. Este medicamento ayuda a reducir su presión arterial / nivel de azúcar en la sangre. – This medication helps lower your blood pressure / blood sugar level.
  2. Es para aliviar el dolor / la inflamación. – It is to relieve pain / inflammation.
  3. Este medicamento es un antibiótico para tratar la infección. – This medication is an antibiotic to treat the infection.
  4. Este tratamiento es temporal y se detendrá después de [número] semanas. – This treatment is temporary and will stop after [number] weeks.

Discussing Side Effects

  1. Algunos efectos secundarios comunes incluyen… – Some common side effects include…
  2. Puede experimentar mareos, náuseas o fatiga. – You may experience dizziness, nausea, or fatigue.
  3. Si tiene alguna reacción alérgica, como dificultad para respirar o sarpullido, deje de tomar el medicamento y busque atención médica. – If you have any allergic reaction, like difficulty breathing or a rash, stop taking the medication and seek medical attention.
  4. Es normal sentir un poco de malestar estomacal al principio. – It is normal to feel a little stomach discomfort at first.

Talking About Refills and Duration

  1. Este medicamento tiene [número] repeticiones. – This medication has [number] refills.
  2. Tendrá que tomar este medicamento durante [número] semanas/meses. – You will need to take this medication for [number] weeks/months.
  3. Si necesita más, puede pedir una receta de repetición. – If you need more, you can request a refill prescription.
  4. Cuando termine este tratamiento, no necesita continuar tomando el medicamento. – When you finish this treatment, you do not need to continue taking the medication.

Tips for Discussing Medications with Spanish-Speaking Patients

1. Use Clear, Simple Language

Medical jargon can be difficult to understand in any language. Instead of saying “antihipertensivo” (antihypertensive), you could simply say, “medicamento para la presión alta” (medication for high blood pressure). This ensures patients understand the purpose of the medication.

2. Encourage Questions

Many patients might hesitate to ask questions out of fear of being a burden. Encourage them to ask questions by saying, “¿Tiene alguna pregunta sobre cómo tomar el medicamento?” (Do you have any questions about how to take the medication?). This opens the door for clarification.

3. Write Instructions

If possible, provide written instructions in Spanish. Many patients prefer having something to refer back to, especially if they are unsure about dosing or side effects.

4. Use Visual Aids

Showing patients how to take their medication or using diagrams can help those who are visual learners. For example, you can show them a picture of a pill bottle with times marked for when to take their medicine.

5. Clarify Cultural Differences

Be mindful of cultural beliefs about medications. Some patients may prefer natural remedies or may be hesitant about long-term medication use. Take time to listen to their concerns and address any hesitations they might have.

Common Medication Terms in Spanish

Here are some key medication-related terms in Spanish to help you when talking with patients:

  • Tableta/píldora/cápsula – Tablet/pill/capsule
  • Jarabe – Syrup
  • Crema/ungüento – Cream/ointment
  • Antibiótico – Antibiotic
  • Analgésico – Painkiller
  • Antiinflamatorio – Anti-inflammatory
  • Dosis – Dose
  • Receta médica – Prescription
  • Reacciones alérgicas – Allergic reactions
  • Efectos secundarios – Side effects


Knowing how to talk about medications in Spanish helps ensure that your patients can safely and effectively manage their treatment. By using clear language, offering simple explanations, and encouraging open dialogue, you can build trust and improve outcomes. Taking the time to explain medication instructions properly not only enhances patient care but also helps prevent potential complications.

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