How to Provide First Aid Instructions in Spanish: Essential Phrases for Emergencies

This guide offers essential phrases and instructions to help you handle various first aid situations in Spanish.

1. Key Vocabulary for First Aid

Understanding basic first aid terminology is crucial for guiding someone through an emergency:

  • Primeros auxilios – First aid
  • Herida – Wound
  • Hemorragia – Bleeding
  • Fractura – Fracture
  • Vendaje – Bandage
  • Quemadura – Burn
  • Desmayo – Fainting
  • Paro cardíaco – Cardiac arrest
  • Presión – Pressure
  • Reanimación cardiopulmonar (RCP) – CPR

2. General First Aid Phrases

When providing first aid, use these general phrases to start addressing the situation:

  1. Voy a ayudarle, mantenga la calma.
    I’m going to help you; stay calm.
  2. ¿Qué ha sucedido?
    What happened?
  3. Estoy capacitado/a en primeros auxilios.
    I am trained in first aid.
  4. Llame al número de emergencias (911) inmediatamente.
    Call the emergency number (911) immediately.
  5. No se mueva si tiene una lesión grave.
    Do not move if you have a serious injury.

3. Providing Instructions for Bleeding

Stopping bleeding is often a priority in emergencies. Use these instructions to guide someone through the process:

  1. Presione firmemente sobre la herida con un paño limpio.
    Press firmly on the wound with a clean cloth.
  2. Mantenga la presión hasta que pare el sangrado.
    Keep the pressure until the bleeding stops.
  3. Si la sangre atraviesa el paño, no lo quite, coloque otro encima.
    If the blood soaks through the cloth, do not remove it; place another on top.
  4. Eleve la parte lesionada por encima del nivel del corazón, si es posible.
    Elevate the injured area above heart level if possible.
  5. Evite tocar la herida directamente con las manos desnudas.
    Avoid touching the wound directly with bare hands.

4. Instructions for Choking (Asfixia)

Helping someone who is choking requires calm and precise instructions:

  1. ¿Puede toser o hablar?
    Can you cough or speak?
  2. Si no puede respirar, voy a hacer la maniobra de Heimlich.
    If you cannot breathe, I will perform the Heimlich maneuver.
  3. Póngase detrás de la persona y coloque sus manos sobre el abdomen, justo debajo de las costillas.
    Stand behind the person and place your hands on the abdomen, just below the ribcage.
  4. Empuje hacia adentro y hacia arriba con fuerza.
    Push inward and upward forcefully.
  5. Si la persona pierde el conocimiento, inicie RCP y llame a emergencias.
    If the person loses consciousness, start CPR and call emergency services.

5. Instructions for Burns (Quemaduras)

Burns require careful handling to prevent further damage:

  1. Enfríe la quemadura con agua fría durante al menos 10 minutos.
    Cool the burn with cold water for at least 10 minutes.
  2. No aplique hielo directamente sobre la quemadura.
    Do not apply ice directly to the burn.
  3. Cubra la quemadura con un paño limpio y húmedo.
    Cover the burn with a clean, damp cloth.
  4. No reviente las ampollas si aparecen.
    Do not pop any blisters that form.
  5. Si la quemadura es grave, busque atención médica inmediata.
    If the burn is severe, seek immediate medical attention.

6. Performing CPR (Reanimación cardiopulmonar – RCP)

CPR is a critical skill that can save lives. Here’s how to provide instructions:

  1. Coloque a la persona en el suelo sobre su espalda.
    Place the person on the floor on their back.
  2. Coloque sus manos en el centro del pecho y presione fuerte y rápido.
    Place your hands in the center of their chest and press hard and fast.
  3. Realice 30 compresiones seguidas de 2 respiraciones de rescate.
    Perform 30 compressions followed by 2 rescue breaths.
  4. Continúe hasta que llegue ayuda médica o la persona respire por sí sola.
    Continue until medical help arrives or the person starts breathing on their own.
  5. Si hay un desfibrilador (DEA) disponible, úselo según las instrucciones.
    If an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) is available, use it according to the instructions.

7. Instructions for Fractures (Fracturas)

Fractures require careful handling to prevent further injury:

  1. No intente mover el hueso roto.
    Do not attempt to move the broken bone.
  2. Inmovilice la parte lesionada con una férula improvisada.
    Immobilize the injured part with an improvised splint.
  3. Aplique hielo envuelto en un paño para reducir la hinchazón.
    Apply ice wrapped in a cloth to reduce swelling.
  4. Evite que la persona apoye peso sobre la parte fracturada.
    Avoid letting the person put weight on the broken part.
  5. Busque ayuda médica inmediatamente para una evaluación completa.
    Seek immediate medical help for a full evaluation.

8. Reassuring the Patient

Providing reassurance is an important part of first aid, especially in stressful situations:

  1. Estoy aquí para ayudarle, todo va a estar bien.
    I am here to help you; everything will be okay.
  2. Siga mis instrucciones y pronto estará en manos de los médicos.
    Follow my instructions, and you’ll soon be in the hands of the doctors.
  3. Respire profundamente y trate de mantenerse calmado/a.
    Take deep breaths and try to stay calm.
  4. La ambulancia ya viene en camino.
    The ambulance is already on its way.
  5. No está solo/a, estamos aquí con usted.
    You are not alone; we are here with you.


Providing first aid instructions in Spanish can be lifesaving in critical moments. By mastering these phrases and instructions, you can ensure that Spanish-speaking patients receive the right care quickly and efficiently. Effective communication during emergencies is key to making a positive difference in the outcome and providing reassurance to those in need. Practice these phrases to build confidence and be ready to assist in any first aid situation.

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