How to Handle Patient Admissions in Spanish: A Guide for Nurses

In this article, we’ll cover key Spanish phrases and vocabulary you can use during the patient admission process, helping you create a welcoming and efficient environment for Spanish-speaking patients.

Key Vocabulary for Patient Admissions in Spanish

Here are some essential terms related to patient admissions:

  • Admission – Admisión
  • Patient – Paciente
  • Emergency room – Sala de emergencias
  • Insurance – Seguro médico
  • Identification – Identificación
  • Medical history – Historial médico
  • Symptoms – Síntomas
  • Allergies – Alergias
  • Medication – Medicamentos
  • Consent form – Formulario de consentimiento
  • Doctor – Médico
  • Nurse – Enfermero/enfermera

Welcoming the Patient and Gathering Basic Information

The first step in patient admissions is greeting the patient and collecting basic information, such as their name, age, and reason for the visit. This helps establish rapport and makes the patient feel at ease.

  • Bienvenido/a. ¿Cómo se llama? – Welcome. What is your name?
  • ¿Cuál es la razón de su visita hoy? – What is the reason for your visit today?
  • Voy a hacerle algunas preguntas para empezar su admisión. – I’m going to ask you a few questions to start your admission.
  • ¿Tiene su identificación y tarjeta de seguro? – Do you have your ID and insurance card?
  • ¿Cuál es su fecha de nacimiento? – What is your date of birth?

Asking About Medical History

Understanding a patient’s medical history is crucial for providing proper care. Here are some questions you can ask to gather that information:

  • ¿Tiene alguna condición médica preexistente? – Do you have any pre-existing medical conditions?
  • ¿Está tomando algún medicamento actualmente? – Are you currently taking any medications?
  • ¿Es alérgico/a a algún medicamento o alimento? – Are you allergic to any medications or foods?
  • ¿Ha sido hospitalizado/a anteriormente? – Have you been hospitalized before?
  • Por favor, describa sus síntomas. – Please describe your symptoms.

Explaining the Admission Process

It’s important to explain each step of the admission process so the patient knows what to expect and feels comfortable moving forward.

  • Voy a registrarlo/a en el sistema. Esto puede tardar unos minutos. – I’m going to register you in the system. This may take a few minutes.
  • Vamos a tomar sus signos vitales antes de que el médico lo/la vea. – We are going to take your vital signs before the doctor sees you.
  • El médico vendrá a evaluar su estado en breve. – The doctor will come to assess your condition shortly.
  • Voy a pedirle que firme algunos formularios de consentimiento. – I’m going to ask you to sign some consent forms.

Discussing Insurance and Payment

Handling insurance details is often a part of the admissions process. Make sure the patient understands what’s needed for their insurance coverage or payment.

  • ¿Tiene seguro médico? – Do you have health insurance?
  • Voy a necesitar su tarjeta de seguro médico. – I’ll need your health insurance card.
  • Su seguro cubrirá esta visita, pero puede haber algunos costos adicionales. – Your insurance will cover this visit, but there may be additional costs.
  • ¿Le gustaría discutir las opciones de pago? – Would you like to discuss payment options?

Asking About Symptoms and Current Condition

In emergency or urgent care settings, it’s essential to quickly assess the patient’s symptoms and current condition to prioritize care.

  • ¿Cómo se siente en este momento? – How are you feeling right now?
  • ¿Cuándo comenzaron sus síntomas? – When did your symptoms start?
  • ¿Está experimentando dolor? Si es así, ¿dónde? – Are you experiencing pain? If so, where?
  • ¿Tiene dificultad para respirar o mareo? – Are you having difficulty breathing or feeling dizzy?
  • Por favor, califique su dolor del 1 al 10, siendo 10 el más intenso. – Please rate your pain from 1 to 10, with 10 being the most intense.

Explaining Procedures and Next Steps

After collecting the necessary information, it’s important to explain what will happen next so the patient understands the process and feels prepared.

  • Vamos a realizar algunos exámenes para diagnosticar su condición. – We are going to run some tests to diagnose your condition.
  • Es posible que necesite una radiografía/análisis de sangre. – You may need an X-ray/blood test.
  • Le llevaremos a su habitación en unos minutos. – We will take you to your room in a few minutes.
  • El médico discutirá los resultados de los exámenes con usted lo antes posible. – The doctor will discuss the test results with you as soon as possible.

Addressing Patient Concerns and Questions

Patients may have questions or concerns during the admission process. Reassuring them and providing answers will help reduce anxiety and build trust.

  • ¿Tiene alguna pregunta sobre el proceso de admisión? – Do you have any questions about the admission process?
  • Si necesita algo o tiene alguna duda, no dude en llamarnos. – If you need anything or have any questions, don’t hesitate to call us.
  • Estamos aquí para ayudarle en todo momento. – We are here to help you at all times.
  • Voy a informarle sobre el próximo paso tan pronto como lo sepamos. – I’ll inform you of the next step as soon as we know.


Handling patient admissions in Spanish requires clear communication and cultural sensitivity. By using the phrases and vocabulary provided in this guide, you can ensure that Spanish-speaking patients feel comfortable and well-informed during the admission process. Being able to communicate in Spanish not only helps improve patient care but also creates a more welcoming and inclusive environment.

With these tools, you’ll be better equipped to manage patient admissions efficiently, provide compassionate care, and build trust with your Spanish-speaking patients.

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