How to Administer Medication Instructions in Spanish: A Guide for Healthcare Professionals

This article provides essential Spanish phrases and vocabulary to help you confidently administer medication instructions to your Spanish-speaking patients.

Key Vocabulary for Administering Medication in Spanish

Here are some fundamental terms related to medications that you’ll need to know:

  • Medication – Medicamento
  • Dose – Dosis
  • Pill – Pastilla
  • Liquid – Líquido
  • Tablet – Tableta
  • Capsule – Cápsula
  • Injection – Inyección
  • Cream – Crema
  • Prescription – Receta
  • Pharmacy – Farmacia
  • Refill – Reposición
  • Side effects – Efectos secundarios
  • Allergy – Alergia
  • Take (as in medicine) – Tomar

Explaining the Medication to the Patient

Start by explaining what the medication is for and why it is important to take it correctly.

  • Este medicamento es para [condición/enfermedad]. – This medication is for [condition/illness].
  • Es importante que tome este medicamento exactamente como se lo indico. – It’s important that you take this medication exactly as I explain.
  • Este medicamento le ayudará a sentirse mejor y controlar su condición. – This medication will help you feel better and manage your condition.

Giving Dosage Instructions

Clear and specific instructions about how much and when to take the medication are critical. Ensure that the patient fully understands the dosage.

  • Tome [número] pastillas/tabletas al día. – Take [number] pills/tablets a day.
  • Tome una dosis por la mañana y otra por la noche. – Take one dose in the morning and another at night.
  • Tome este medicamento cada [número] horas. – Take this medication every [number] hours.
  • Es muy importante no saltarse ninguna dosis. – It’s very important not to skip any doses.
  • No tome más de la cantidad recetada. – Do not take more than the prescribed amount.

Explaining How to Take the Medication

Patients may need different instructions depending on whether they’re taking pills, liquid medication, injections, or creams. Here are some useful phrases:

  • Tome esta pastilla con un vaso de agua. – Take this pill with a glass of water.
  • Tome este medicamento antes/después de comer. – Take this medication before/after eating.
  • Debe inyectarse este medicamento en el brazo/abdomen. – You should inject this medication in your arm/abdomen.
  • Aplique esta crema en el área afectada dos veces al día. – Apply this cream to the affected area twice a day.
  • Agite bien la botella antes de tomar el medicamento líquido. – Shake the bottle well before taking the liquid medication.

Discussing Potential Side Effects

It’s important for patients to be aware of potential side effects and what to do if they experience them.

  • Este medicamento puede causar algunos efectos secundarios. – This medication may cause some side effects.
  • Es posible que sienta mareo o náuseas. – You might feel dizzy or nauseous.
  • Si experimenta alguna reacción alérgica, como dificultad para respirar, deje de tomar el medicamento y llámenos de inmediato. – If you experience any allergic reactions, like difficulty breathing, stop taking the medication and call us immediately.
  • Si los efectos secundarios son graves, deje de tomar el medicamento y contacte a su médico. – If the side effects are severe, stop taking the medication and contact your doctor.

Addressing Medication Storage

Patients need to know how to store their medication safely to maintain its effectiveness.

  • Guarde este medicamento en un lugar fresco y seco. – Store this medication in a cool, dry place.
  • No lo deje al alcance de los niños. – Keep it out of reach of children.
  • Este medicamento necesita refrigeración. Guárdelo en el refrigerador. – This medication needs refrigeration. Store it in the fridge.
  • No use este medicamento después de la fecha de vencimiento. – Do not use this medication after the expiration date.

Reminding Patients to Refill Their Prescription

It’s helpful to remind patients to monitor their medication supply and refill it before running out.

  • Recuerde reponer su medicamento antes de que se le acabe. – Remember to refill your medication before it runs out.
  • Puede llamar a la farmacia para pedir una reposición. – You can call the pharmacy to request a refill.
  • Su próxima reposición estará disponible en [número] días. – Your next refill will be available in [number] days.

Addressing Patient Questions and Concerns

Encouraging patients to ask questions ensures they fully understand the instructions and feel comfortable following them.

  • ¿Tiene alguna pregunta sobre cómo tomar este medicamento? – Do you have any questions about how to take this medication?
  • Es importante que entienda bien las instrucciones. Si tiene dudas, no dude en preguntar. – It’s important that you fully understand the instructions. If you have any doubts, don’t hesitate to ask.
  • Si tiene algún problema con este medicamento, por favor, contáctenos. – If you have any problems with this medication, please contact us.

Confirming Patient Understanding

Before concluding, it’s essential to confirm that the patient understands how to take the medication and what to do if they have any issues.

  • ¿Entiende cómo tomar el medicamento? – Do you understand how to take the medication?
  • Por favor, repita las instrucciones para asegurarnos de que está claro. – Please repeat the instructions so we can be sure everything is clear.
  • Recuerde seguir exactamente las indicaciones para evitar problemas de salud. – Remember to follow the directions exactly to avoid health problems.


Effectively administering medication instructions in Spanish is crucial to ensure that patients take their medication safely and correctly. By using these essential phrases, healthcare professionals can communicate more clearly, help patients avoid medication errors, and improve health outcomes for Spanish-speaking individuals.

Clear communication helps build trust and ensures patients feel confident in managing their health. For healthcare professionals, mastering these Spanish phrases will enhance the care you provide and support your Spanish-speaking patients on their path to better health.

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