Handling Respiratory Emergencies in Spanish: Essential Phrases and Techniques for Healthcare Professionals

This article offers essential phrases, vocabulary, and guidance for handling respiratory emergencies in Spanish.

1. Understanding Key Vocabulary for Respiratory Emergencies

Before diving into specific phrases, familiarize yourself with essential terms related to respiratory emergencies:

  • Emergencia respiratoria – Respiratory emergency
  • Dificultad para respirar – Difficulty breathing
  • Falta de aire – Shortness of breath
  • Asma – Asthma
  • Inhalador – Inhaler
  • Oxígeno – Oxygen
  • Respiración – Breathing
  • Pulmones – Lungs
  • Sibilancias – Wheezing
  • Ataque respiratorio – Respiratory attack

2. Assessing the Situation: Key Questions

Quickly assessing the patient’s condition is crucial in a respiratory emergency. Use these phrases to gather information:

  1. ¿Tiene dificultad para respirar?
    Do you have difficulty breathing?
  2. ¿Desde cuándo tiene falta de aire?
    Since when have you been short of breath?
  3. ¿Ha tenido un ataque de asma antes?
    Have you had an asthma attack before?
  4. ¿Siente dolor en el pecho al respirar?
    Do you feel chest pain when you breathe?
  5. ¿Está usando su inhalador?
    Are you using your inhaler?

3. Describing Symptoms and Severity

Understanding the severity of the symptoms helps determine the urgency of the response:

  1. ¿El problema para respirar es constante o empeora con el tiempo?
    Is the difficulty breathing constant or worsening over time?
  2. ¿Siente presión en el pecho?
    Do you feel pressure in your chest?
  3. ¿Escucha algún sonido al respirar, como un silbido?
    Do you hear any sound when you breathe, like a whistle?
  4. ¿Está tosiendo mucho o siente que no puede tomar suficiente aire?
    Are you coughing a lot or feeling like you can’t take in enough air?
  5. ¿Tiene antecedentes de enfermedades pulmonares como EPOC?
    Do you have a history of lung diseases like COPD?

4. Providing Instructions During a Respiratory Emergency

Clear instructions can help the patient manage their symptoms while waiting for further care:

  1. Por favor, siéntese y trate de relajarse.
    Please, sit down and try to relax.
  2. Inhale profundamente y exhale lentamente.
    Inhale deeply and exhale slowly.
  3. Use su inhalador ahora, siga las indicaciones de su médico.
    Use your inhaler now, follow your doctor’s instructions.
  4. Voy a administrar oxígeno para ayudarle a respirar mejor.
    I am going to give you oxygen to help you breathe better.
  5. Por favor, mantenga la calma, estamos aquí para ayudarle.
    Please stay calm, we are here to help you.

5. Explaining the Use of Medical Devices

When a patient requires the use of medical devices such as an oxygen mask, it’s important to explain the process:

  1. Voy a colocarle una mascarilla de oxígeno.
    I am going to place an oxygen mask on you.
  2. Esto le ayudará a respirar con más facilidad.
    This will help you breathe more easily.
  3. Por favor, respire normalmente mientras lleva puesta la mascarilla.
    Please breathe normally while wearing the mask.
  4. Voy a usar un nebulizador para administrar su medicamento.
    I am going to use a nebulizer to give you your medication.
  5. Le pondremos un monitor para controlar su nivel de oxígeno.
    We will place a monitor to check your oxygen level.

6. Describing Emergency Procedures

In severe cases, patients may require specific emergency procedures. Here’s how to explain them:

  1. Vamos a intubarle para ayudarle a respirar.
    We are going to intubate you to help you breathe.
  2. Necesitamos hacerle una radiografía de los pulmones para ver qué está pasando.
    We need to take an X-ray of your lungs to see what’s happening.
  3. Voy a hacerle una inyección de medicamento para abrir sus vías respiratorias.
    I am going to give you an injection to open your airways.
  4. Esto puede ser incómodo, pero es necesario para estabilizar su respiración.
    This may be uncomfortable, but it’s necessary to stabilize your breathing.
  5. Le vamos a trasladar a la sala de emergencias para un tratamiento más intensivo.
    We are going to transfer you to the emergency room for more intensive treatment.

7. Reassuring the Patient and Their Family

Offering reassurance during a respiratory emergency is essential to keep the patient and their family calm:

  1. Está en buenas manos, estamos haciendo todo lo posible para que se sienta mejor.
    You are in good hands; we are doing everything we can to make you feel better.
  2. Estamos monitoreando su condición de cerca.
    We are closely monitoring your condition.
  3. Su familia puede esperar afuera mientras le atendemos.
    Your family can wait outside while we take care of you.
  4. Le explicaremos cada paso del proceso para que se sienta más tranquilo/a.
    We will explain every step of the process so that you feel more at ease.
  5. Si en algún momento se siente peor, por favor avíseme.
    If at any point you feel worse, please let me know.

8. Follow-Up Care and Instructions

After stabilizing the patient, providing clear instructions for follow-up care is important:

  1. Necesita seguir usando su inhalador según las indicaciones.
    You need to continue using your inhaler as instructed.
  2. Debe evitar el esfuerzo físico por unos días.
    You should avoid physical exertion for a few days.
  3. Si vuelve a tener problemas para respirar, regrese inmediatamente.
    If you have trouble breathing again, come back immediately.
  4. Programe una cita de seguimiento con su médico de cabecera.
    Schedule a follow-up appointment with your primary care doctor.
  5. Tome estos medicamentos tal como se lo he indicado.
    Take these medications exactly as I have instructed.


Handling respiratory emergencies with Spanish-speaking patients requires not only medical expertise but also clear and compassionate communication. By using the phrases and guidance provided in this article, healthcare professionals can ensure that patients understand their condition, follow instructions, and feel reassured during critical moments. Effective communication can help save lives, making it a vital skill in any emergency medical setting.

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