Explaining Procedures to Spanish-Speaking Patients: A Guide for Healthcare Professionals

This article will provide essential phrases and vocabulary that will help you confidently explain procedures to Spanish-speaking patients, ensuring that they understand each step and can ask questions.

Key Vocabulary for Medical Procedures in Spanish

Here are some crucial terms to know when discussing procedures:

  • Procedure – Procedimiento
  • Surgery – Cirugía
  • Anesthesia – Anestesia
  • Sedation – Sedación
  • Consent – Consentimiento
  • Risk – Riesgo
  • Recovery – Recuperación
  • Complications – Complicaciones
  • Follow-up – Seguimiento

Establishing Comfort and Trust

When beginning a conversation about a procedure, it’s important to create a reassuring environment and ensure that the patient feels comfortable asking questions.

  • Quiero explicarle el procedimiento que vamos a realizar. – I want to explain the procedure we are going to perform.
  • Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor, hágamela saber. – If you have any questions, please let me know.
  • Estoy aquí para asegurarme de que entienda todo. – I’m here to make sure you understand everything.

Explaining the Procedure Step-by-Step

Patients need to know what will happen during the procedure, step-by-step. Explaining it clearly can help reduce their anxiety.

  • Primero, le vamos a administrar anestesia. – First, we will give you anesthesia.
  • Luego, realizaremos una pequeña incisión. – Then, we will make a small incision.
  • El procedimiento tomará aproximadamente [número] minutos. – The procedure will take approximately [number] minutes.
  • Durante el procedimiento, puede que sienta algo de presión, pero no debería sentir dolor. – During the procedure, you may feel some pressure, but you shouldn’t feel any pain.

Discussing Anesthesia and Pain Management

Anesthesia and pain management are critical topics to discuss when explaining procedures. Patients need to know how they will be affected and what to expect.

  • Le aplicaremos anestesia local/general para que no sienta dolor. – We will give you local/general anesthesia so you don’t feel pain.
  • Puede que se sienta un poco adormecido después del procedimiento. – You might feel a little numb after the procedure.
  • Si siente dolor, dígame, y ajustaremos su medicación. – If you feel pain, let me know, and we will adjust your medication.

Explaining Risks and Complications

Patients need to be aware of potential risks and complications. Using simple and clear language helps ensure they fully understand the procedure.

  • Existen algunos riesgos, pero son poco comunes. – There are some risks, but they are uncommon.
  • Podría haber una pequeña posibilidad de infección. – There might be a small chance of infection.
  • Le daremos antibióticos para evitar complicaciones. – We will give you antibiotics to avoid complications.
  • Si tiene fiebre o dolor intenso después del procedimiento, por favor, venga al hospital de inmediato. – If you have a fever or severe pain after the procedure, please come to the hospital immediately.

Getting Informed Consent

Informed consent is an important legal and ethical part of medical care. Patients must understand the procedure and agree to it before moving forward.

  • Es necesario que firme este formulario de consentimiento. – It is necessary that you sign this consent form.
  • Esto significa que está de acuerdo con el procedimiento y entiende los riesgos. – This means that you agree to the procedure and understand the risks.
  • ¿Tiene alguna pregunta antes de que firmemos? – Do you have any questions before we sign?

Discussing the Recovery Process

After explaining the procedure, it’s important to outline the recovery process. Patients need to know what to expect after the procedure and how to care for themselves.

  • Después del procedimiento, necesitará descansar por [número] días. – After the procedure, you will need to rest for [number] days.
  • Es posible que sienta algo de dolor, pero le daremos medicamentos para controlarlo. – You might feel some pain, but we will give you medication to control it.
  • Es importante que no levante cosas pesadas ni haga ejercicio por [número] días. – It’s important that you don’t lift heavy objects or exercise for [number] days.
  • Tendremos una cita de seguimiento en [número] días para verificar su recuperación. – We will have a follow-up appointment in [number] days to check your recovery.

Answering Patient Questions

Encouraging patients to ask questions ensures they fully understand the procedure and can clarify any concerns.

  • ¿Hay algo que no entienda o sobre lo que tenga dudas? – Is there anything you don’t understand or are unsure about?
  • Si algo le preocupa, no dude en preguntarme. – If something worries you, don’t hesitate to ask me.
  • Estoy aquí para ayudarle a sentirse seguro con este procedimiento. – I am here to help you feel confident with this procedure.


Explaining procedures to Spanish-speaking patients requires not only clear language but also a compassionate approach. Taking the time to ensure that they understand the steps, risks, and recovery process can reduce anxiety and improve outcomes. By incorporating these phrases into your medical practice, you will build trust and provide better care for your Spanish-speaking patients.

Remember, effective communication is not only about knowing the right phrases—it’s also about being patient, listening to your patients’ concerns, and making sure they feel comfortable and informed every step of the way.

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