Common Spanish Medical Abbreviations for Doctors

This article highlights key abbreviations that are frequently used in medical contexts and their English equivalents to help healthcare providers work seamlessly in bilingual environments.

Common Spanish Medical Abbreviations

General Medical Terms

  1. PxPaciente (Patient)
    • Similar to the English abbreviation “Pt.”
  2. DxDiagnóstico (Diagnosis)
    • Used in both English and Spanish to refer to the diagnosis.
  3. TxTratamiento (Treatment)
    • This abbreviation refers to the treatment plan.
  4. SxSíntomas (Symptoms)
    • Used to describe the patient’s symptoms.
  5. FxFractura (Fracture)
    • Commonly used when noting bone fractures.

Prescription-Related Abbreviations

  1. RxReceta (Prescription)
    • Similar to English, it indicates a medical prescription.
  2. c/Con (With)
    • The abbreviation “c/” is used for “with,” much like the English “w/”.
  3. s/Sin (Without)
    • Equivalent to “without” in English, this is commonly used when specifying medication instructions.
  4. BIDDos veces al día (Twice daily)
    • This abbreviation is identical in both English and Spanish.
  5. TIDTres veces al día (Three times daily)
    • Refers to medication being taken three times a day.
  6. QDUna vez al día (Once daily)
    • Indicates a medication should be taken once per day.
  7. PRNCuando sea necesario (As needed)
    • This abbreviation is used when medication is to be taken as required.

Medical Conditions and Procedures

  1. IMCÍndice de Masa Corporal (Body Mass Index, BMI)
    • Used to indicate a patient’s BMI.
  2. ECG/ EKGElectrocardiograma (Electrocardiogram)
    • This abbreviation is the same in English and Spanish.
  3. TATensión Arterial (Blood Pressure)
    • Refers to blood pressure readings.
  4. ACVAccidente Cerebrovascular (Stroke)
    • This abbreviation refers to a cerebrovascular accident or stroke.
  5. IRAInsuficiencia Renal Aguda (Acute Renal Failure)
    • Commonly used in nephrology to describe kidney failure.
  6. EPOCEnfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, COPD)
    • A common respiratory condition noted as EPOC in Spanish.
  7. DMDiabetes Mellitus (Diabetes Mellitus)
    • The same abbreviation is used for diabetes in both languages.

Lab and Diagnostic Abbreviations

  1. HbHemoglobina (Hemoglobin)
    • A common abbreviation for hemoglobin in blood tests.
  2. GBGlóbulos Blancos (White Blood Cells)
    • Indicates white blood cell count in lab results.
  3. GRGlóbulos Rojos (Red Blood Cells)
    • Refers to the red blood cell count.
  4. GSAGasometría Arterial (Arterial Blood Gas)
    • Used in respiratory diagnostics.
  5. PCRProteína C Reactiva (C-Reactive Protein)
    • Refers to this inflammatory marker in lab tests.

Hospital and Clinical Abbreviations

  1. UCIUnidad de Cuidados Intensivos (Intensive Care Unit, ICU)
    • Equivalent to “ICU” in English.
  2. QxCirugía (Surgery)
    • This abbreviation is used to refer to surgeries.
  3. C/SCesárea (Cesarean Section)
    • Used to refer to cesarean deliveries.
  4. AVMAlta Voluntaria Médica (Medical Discharge)
    • Refers to a patient’s voluntary discharge from a hospital.

Vital Signs and Measurements

  1. FCFrecuencia Cardiaca (Heart Rate)
    • Refers to the patient’s heart rate.
  2. FRFrecuencia Respiratoria (Respiratory Rate)
    • Used to denote a patient’s respiratory rate.
  3. Temperatura (Temperature)
    • This abbreviation refers to body temperature.
  4. SpO2Saturación de Oxígeno (Oxygen Saturation)
    • Refers to the measurement of oxygen levels in the blood.

Practical Tips for Using Spanish Medical Abbreviations

  1. Know Regional Variations: Abbreviations may vary slightly from country to country. For instance, some countries use “TA” for blood pressure, while others may use “PA” (Presión Arterial).
  2. Ensure Clarity in Patient Communication: While medical professionals often understand abbreviations, it’s important to avoid using them when explaining things directly to patients. Be clear and use full terms like presión arterial (blood pressure) instead of TA.
  3. Double-Check Critical Information: When dealing with life-saving information like diagnoses or treatments, ensure that both you and your colleagues understand the abbreviations used.
  4. Stay Updated: The medical field is constantly evolving, and new abbreviations emerge with medical advancements. Make sure to stay updated on the latest abbreviations used in Spanish-speaking healthcare environments.


Knowing common medical abbreviations in Spanish can significantly improve efficiency and communication in healthcare settings. These abbreviations allow doctors to quickly document patient information, understand lab results, and relay important treatment details. Whether you’re a doctor practicing in a Spanish-speaking country or working with Spanish-speaking patients in other regions, understanding and using these abbreviations is an essential skill that enhances patient care and professional interactions.

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