Common Medications and Their Spanish Translations: A Guide for Healthcare Professionals

In this article, we’ll cover the Spanish translations of common medications, along with their uses, helping pharmacists, doctors, and nurses provide better care to their Spanish-speaking patients.

1. Pain Relievers (Analgésicos)

Pain relievers are among the most commonly prescribed medications. Here are some popular options and their Spanish translations:

  • Acetaminophen (Paracetamol): Often used for mild to moderate pain and fever reduction.
    • Spanish: “Acetaminofén” or “Paracetamol”
    • Example: “Este medicamento es para el dolor y la fiebre.” (This medication is for pain and fever.)
  • Ibuprofen: Used for pain, inflammation, and fever.
    • Spanish: “Ibuprofeno”
    • Example: “El ibuprofeno ayuda a reducir la inflamación y el dolor.” (Ibuprofen helps reduce inflammation and pain.)
  • Aspirin (Ácido acetilsalicílico): Used for pain relief, reducing fever, and sometimes for heart conditions.
    • Spanish: “Aspirina” or “Ácido acetilsalicílico”
    • Example: “La aspirina puede ayudar a prevenir coágulos de sangre.” (Aspirin can help prevent blood clots.)

2. Antibiotics (Antibióticos)

Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections and are a common part of many prescriptions. Here are some widely used antibiotics:

  • Amoxicillin: Commonly used for bacterial infections like ear infections, strep throat, and respiratory infections.
    • Spanish: “Amoxicilina”
    • Example: “La amoxicilina se usa para tratar infecciones bacterianas.” (Amoxicillin is used to treat bacterial infections.)
  • Azithromycin: Often prescribed for respiratory infections and certain sexually transmitted infections.
    • Spanish: “Azitromicina”
    • Example: “La azitromicina se toma una vez al día por [número] días.” (Azithromycin is taken once daily for [number] days.)
  • Ciprofloxacin: Used for urinary tract infections (UTIs) and other infections.
    • Spanish: “Ciprofloxacina”
    • Example: “La ciprofloxacina es para tratar infecciones del tracto urinario.” (Ciprofloxacin is for treating urinary tract infections.)

3. Antihistamines (Antihistamínicos)

Antihistamines are commonly used to treat allergies and allergic reactions. Here are a few examples:

  • Loratadine: Used for seasonal allergies.
    • Spanish: “Loratadina”
    • Example: “La loratadina se usa para aliviar los síntomas de la alergia.” (Loratadine is used to relieve allergy symptoms.)
  • Diphenhydramine: Often used for allergy relief and as a sleep aid.
    • Spanish: “Difenhidramina”
    • Example: “La difenhidramina puede causar somnolencia.” (Diphenhydramine may cause drowsiness.)
  • Cetirizine: Another option for treating allergy symptoms.
    • Spanish: “Cetirizina”
    • Example: “La cetirizina alivia la picazón y la congestión nasal.” (Cetirizine relieves itching and nasal congestion.)

4. Medications for Chronic Conditions

Patients with chronic conditions often take daily medications. Here are translations for some common prescriptions:

  • Metformin: A medication used to treat type 2 diabetes.
    • Spanish: “Metformina”
    • Example: “La metformina ayuda a controlar el azúcar en la sangre.” (Metformin helps control blood sugar.)
  • Lisinopril: Used for high blood pressure and heart conditions.
    • Spanish: “Lisinopril”
    • Example: “El lisinopril ayuda a reducir la presión arterial.” (Lisinopril helps lower blood pressure.)
  • Atorvastatin: Prescribed to lower cholesterol levels.
    • Spanish: “Atorvastatina”
    • Example: “La atorvastatina se toma para reducir el colesterol.” (Atorvastatin is taken to lower cholesterol.)

5. Gastrointestinal Medications (Medicamentos para el sistema digestivo)

Digestive issues are common, and many patients use medications to manage symptoms like acid reflux or nausea:

  • Omeprazole: Used for acid reflux and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
    • Spanish: “Omeprazol”
    • Example: “El omeprazol reduce la acidez estomacal.” (Omeprazole reduces stomach acidity.)
  • Loperamide: Commonly used to treat diarrhea.
    • Spanish: “Loperamida”
    • Example: “La loperamida se usa para tratar la diarrea aguda.” (Loperamide is used to treat acute diarrhea.)
  • Ondansetron: Prescribed to prevent nausea and vomiting, often related to chemotherapy or surgery.
    • Spanish: “Ondansetrón”
    • Example: “El ondansetrón ayuda a prevenir las náuseas.” (Ondansetron helps prevent nausea.)

6. Over-the-Counter Medications (Medicamentos de venta libre)

Many patients use over-the-counter (OTC) medications for minor ailments. Here are a few common options:

  • Antacid (Antiácido): Used to relieve heartburn and indigestion.
    • Spanish: “Antiácido”
    • Example: “Tome un antiácido para aliviar la acidez estomacal.” (Take an antacid to relieve heartburn.)
  • Cough Syrup (Jarabe para la tos): Used to soothe a cough.
    • Spanish: “Jarabe para la tos”
    • Example: “Tome una cucharada de jarabe para la tos cada 4 horas.” (Take one spoonful of cough syrup every 4 hours.)
  • Decongestant (Descongestionante): Used to relieve nasal congestion.
    • Spanish: “Descongestionante”
    • Example: “El descongestionante ayuda a abrir las vías respiratorias.” (The decongestant helps open the airways.)

7. Explaining Medication Use and Dosage in Spanish

Beyond knowing the names of medications, it’s important to explain how to use them properly:

  • Dosage Instructions:
    • “Tome [número] pastillas al día.” (Take [number] pills per day.)
    • “Aplique la crema en la zona afectada dos veces al día.” (Apply the cream to the affected area twice a day.)
  • With or Without Food:
    • “Tome el medicamento con alimentos.” (Take the medication with food.)
    • “Este medicamento se toma con el estómago vacío.” (This medication is taken on an empty stomach.)
  • When to Take Medication:
    • “Tome el medicamento antes de dormir.” (Take the medication before bed.)
    • “Use el inhalador cada vez que sienta dificultad para respirar.” (Use the inhaler every time you feel difficulty breathing.)


Understanding common medications and their Spanish translations is essential for effective communication with Spanish-speaking patients. By knowing the names and uses of these medications, healthcare providers can ensure that patients understand their prescriptions and use them safely. This knowledge not only improves patient adherence to medication but also helps build trust between healthcare professionals and Spanish-speaking communities. Ultimately, this leads to better health outcomes and a more inclusive approach to patient care.

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